Thursday, October 9, 2014

Update Existing PST file path for Users

Replaced an aging file server, and ran into the issue of Terminal Services users not being able to load their Outlook pst data files. After much surfing, searching, and a call to Microsoft, I still had nothing. Thanks to a co-worker and mucho caffeine, we finally located the reg keys (in binary) that stored the pst location.

The script below is tested against Outlook 2010, but has been successful in my testing. Set the $oldpath and $newpath to fit your environment. Test it against a few accounts before deploying. I take no responsibility for the use of this in any org. :D

$encodingType = [Text.Encoding]::Default.HeaderName
$oldPath = "" #Old fileserver/path name here
$newPath = "" #New fileserver/path name here

function bin2string{
        $thispath, #Path to the Key
        [string]$thisProperty #Name of the property (typically in HEX)
    $binary = Get-ItemProperty -path $thisPath.pspath | select -expand $thisProperty
    $string = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encodingType).GetString( $binary )
    return $string

function string2bin{
    $newBinary = [Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding($encodingType).GetBytes( $thisString )
    return $newBinary

set-location "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Default Outlook Profile"
$path = get-location

$keys = get-childitem $path

foreach($key in $keys){
    #write-host $key -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
    $properties = get-itemproperty -path $key.pspath
    #$properties | where {$_ -match "01020fff"}
    if (($properties | where {$_ -match "01020fff"}).count -ne 0 -AND ($properties | where {$_ -match "001f3006"}).count -ne 0){
        #Make sure this is an Outlook Data File Key
        if ((bin2string $key "001f3006") -match "O\WU\WT\WL\WO\WO\WK\W+D\WA\WT\WA\W+F\WI\WL\WE"){
            Write-Host "Found $(bin2string $key "001f3006") in $Key" -ForegroundColor Yellow

            #Get string from Property 01020fff, the functional Path property
            $nowString = bin2string $key "01020fff"
            #Fix string in Property 01020fff, the functional Path property
            $nowString = $nowString -replace $oldPath,$newPath
            #Convert Fixed String Back into Binary
            $newBinary = string2bin $nowString
            #Set the Bin as the Value of Property 01020fff, the functional Path property
            Set-ItemProperty -path $key.pspath  -name "01020fff" -value $newBinary

            #Get string from Property 001f6700
            $nowString2 = bin2string $key "001f6700"
            #Fix string in Property 001f6700
            $nowString2 = $nowString2 -replace ($oldPath.ToCharArray() -join "\W"),($newPath.ToCharArray() -join " ")
            #Convert Fixed String Back into Binary
            $newBinary2 = string2bin $nowString2
            #Set the Bin as the Value of Property 001f6700
            Set-ItemProperty -path $key.pspath  -name "001f6700" -value $newBinary2


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