Friday, July 18, 2014

Detecting Cryptolocker/Cryptowall by encrypted files

Have you encountered the Crypto line of ransomware? Having encountered a couple variants of this with a few of my customers, I began wondering how one would detect an infection in an enterprise environment, where recent backups are available, but users *may* not advertise they caught a virus. Detecting the encrypted files before all of your backups are overwritten would be important. How would we do this?

File headers combined with write times appears to be an effective means detection, as Encrypted file headers do not match even each-other, and write-times will be VERY close to eachother when a crypto-ransomware hits, so write-times helps weed out false positives.

Turning to powershell, I borrowed from Will at I made some minor modifications to his script, limiting the file types it targets, and causing it to search recursively through the directory tree of it's target. Enable verbose messaging and you will see the headers for any mismatches, so you can add your own if needed. This script will ONLY tell you about mismatches.

function Check-Header
       # Hexidecimal signatures for expected files
       $pdf = '25504446';
       $doc = 'D0CF11E0';
       $docx = '504B0304';
       $xls = 'D0CF11E0';
       $xls2 = '093C7461';
       $xlsx = '504B0304';

       $targets = Get-ChildItem -file -Path $path -recurse -include ('*.pdf','*.doc','*.docx','*.xls','*.xlsx') | select fullname, lastwritetime
       foreach ($file in $targets){     
            # Get content of each file (up to 4 bytes) for analysis
            $HeaderAsHexString = $null
            [Byte[]]$fileheader = Get-Content -Path $file.fullname -TotalCount 4 -Encoding Byte
            ForEach($_ in $fileheader) {
                if(("{0:X}" -f $_).length -eq 1)
                     $HeaderAsHexString += "0{0:X}" -f $_
                     $HeaderAsHexString += "{0:X}" -f $_
       # Validate file header
       if (@($pdf, $doc, $docx, $xls, $xls2, $xlsx) -contains $HeaderAsHexString){
            #do nothing
            Write-Verbose -message $HeaderAsHexString

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